using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using InsiderTrading.Infrastructure.Common;
using InsiderTrading.DataObject;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using InsiderTrading.Infrastructure.Enums.Emails;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using InsiderTrading.Models;
namespace InsiderTrading.Infrastructure.Helpers
public static class EmailHelper
#region Variable
private static string _SMTPClient = string.Empty;
private static string _BCCEmail = string.Empty;
private static string _defaultMailFrom = string.Empty;
private static string _conString = CommonFunction.GetConnectionString();
private static string _uploadPath = CommonFunction.GetUploadPath();
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExceptionHelper"/> class.
/// </summary>
static EmailHelper()
_SMTPClient = ConfigurationHelper.GetFWConfiguration("MIND.Web.Application.Dafault.SMTPSERVER");
_BCCEmail = ConfigurationHelper.GetFWConfiguration("MIND.Web.Application.Dafault.BCCEmail");
_defaultMailFrom = ConfigurationHelper.GetFWConfiguration("MIND.Web.Application.Dafault.MailFrom");
#region Public Static Methods
/// <summary>
/// Method For Send Email
/// </summary>
public static void SendEmail
string emailType, string mailTo, string subject, string msgBody, string mailId,
bool isAttachment = false, string ccEmail = null, List<DocumentDetails> docsData = null,
List<string> documentIds = null, string userName = null
string attachmentPath = string.Empty;
int Msg;
if ((docsData != null && docsData.Count > 0) || (documentIds != null && documentIds.Count > 0))
byte[] docData = null;
string docType = string.Empty;
string docName = string.Empty;
Guid SaveDocName;
List<string> docPaths = new List<string>();
List<byte[]> lstDocData = new List<byte[]>();
if (docsData == null)
docsData = new List<DocumentDetails>();
if (documentIds != null && documentIds.Count > 0)
foreach (string docId in documentIds)
SaveDocName = new Guid();
docData = CommonFunction.GetDocumentData(docId, ref docName, ref docType);
if (docData != null)
DocumentDetails doc = new DocumentDetails();
doc.DocumentData = docData;
doc.DocumentId = Guid.Parse(docId);
doc.DocumentName = docName;
attachmentPath = ConvertToZip(docsData, mailId);
using (SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(_conString))
SqlParameter[] oParams = new SqlParameter[11];
oParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@p_MailID_To", mailTo);
if (isAttachment)
oParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@p_Attachment", attachmentPath);
oParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@p_Attachment", "");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ccEmail))
ccEmail = string.Empty;
oParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@p_Bcc_ID", _BCCEmail);
oParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@p_CC_ID", ccEmail);
oParams[4] = new SqlParameter("@p_ReplyTo_ID", "");
oParams[5] = new SqlParameter("@p_BodyText", msgBody);
oParams[6] = new SqlParameter("@p_From_ID", _defaultMailFrom);
oParams[7] = new SqlParameter("@p_SourcePCName", "SQL Batch");
oParams[8] = new SqlParameter("@p_Subject", subject);
oParams[9] = new SqlParameter("@p_EmailType", emailType);
oParams[10] = new SqlParameter("@p_UserName", string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) ? string.Empty : userName);
Msg = sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Proc_IT_Send_Email", ref oParams);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
//public static void SendEmail(string emailType, string MailSendFrom, string mailTo, string subject, string msgBody, bool isAttachment = false, string ccEmail = null, string attachmentPath = null)
// try
// {
// int Msg;
// using (SqlHelper sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(_conString))
// {
// SqlParameter[] oParams = new SqlParameter[9];
// oParams[0] = new SqlParameter("@p_MailID_To", mailTo);
// if (isAttachment)
// {
// oParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@p_Attachment", HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(attachmentPath));
// }
// else
// {
// oParams[1] = new SqlParameter("@p_Attachment", "");
// }
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ccEmail))
// {
// ccEmail = string.Empty;
// }
// oParams[2] = new SqlParameter("@p_Bcc_ID", _BCCEmail);
// oParams[3] = new SqlParameter("@p_CC_ID", ccEmail);
// oParams[4] = new SqlParameter("@p_ReplyTo_ID", "");
// oParams[5] = new SqlParameter("@p_BodyText", msgBody);
// oParams[6] = new SqlParameter("@p_From_ID", MailSendFrom);
// oParams[7] = new SqlParameter("@p_SourcePCName", "SQL Batch");
// oParams[8] = new SqlParameter("@p_Subject", subject);
// oParams[9] = new SqlParameter("@p_EmailType", emailType);
// Msg = sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Proc_IT_Send_Email", ref oParams);
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// throw (ex);
// }
public static string ConvertToZip(List<DocumentDetails> lstDocList, string mailId)
string strAttachmentUploadPath = CommonFunction.GetFunctionControlKeyValue("ALERT_EMAIL_DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_PATH");
string strAttachmentAccessPath = CommonFunction.GetFunctionControlKeyValue("ALERT_EMAIL_DOCUMENT_ACCESS_PATH");
string strAccessPath = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", strAttachmentAccessPath, mailId, ".zip");
string zipPath = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", strAttachmentUploadPath, mailId, ".zip");
///string alertEmailAttachmentZipUploadPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "AlertEmailAttachmentZip/");
//if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(fileFolder))
// System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(fileFolder);
////fileFolder = "~/Template/TempDocs";
//fname = Path.Combine(fileFolder, Convert.ToString(file.FileName).Trim());
//if ((System.IO.File.Exists(fname)))
// System.IO.File.Delete(fname);
using (MemoryStream zipMS = new MemoryStream())
using (ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive(zipMS, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
foreach (DocumentDetails docData in lstDocList)
ZipArchiveEntry zipFileEntry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(docData.DocumentName);
using (Stream zipEntryStream = zipFileEntry.Open())
using (BinaryWriter zipFileBinary = new BinaryWriter(zipEntryStream))
using (FileStream finalzipfilestream = new FileStream(zipPath, FileMode.Create))
zipMS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// string zipPath1 = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "Y:/common/insider-Documents/", mailId, ".zip");
// string zipPath1 = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", _uploadPath, mailId, ".zip");
// byte[] bytes = zipMS.ToArray();
//System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(zipPath1, bytes);
/// System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(context + "/" + legl_entity_id + "_" + employeeCode + "_" + policyid + "_" + empuid + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf", bytes);
///filename = legl_entity_id + "_" + employeeCode + "_" + policyid + "_" + empuid + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf";
return strAccessPath;
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