Skin Darkening and black moles even in lower temperature

The exposure to UV radiation and the unhealthy diet which may involve lot of oil ,spices and over fried oil made food may lead to activation of melanocytes to increase the melanin production which can cause the black moles or freckles to appear on face which are to some extent  normal but after a limit it  become darker and more visible.,which may lead to future embarrassments.

Well these moles are not easy to remove either by homeopathic or allopathic medicines but we can slow down the process by their intake.

the best way to get rid of them is to have a healthy diet or you can also go for the laser treatment

  • Try to avoid fried and junk food.
  • Increase the fruits and raw vegetables in your food by having salad as your one time meal.
  • Always try to avoid direct exposure of your skin to sun.
  • Include lemon and detox water in your daily routine.
  • Try to avoid caffeine and nicotine intake as much as possible.
  •  Antioxidants will be a boon to your body so replace your usual tea with Green Tea .
  • If you have sweet tooth you can have dark chocolates as it contain lot of antioxidants that firms your skin and makes it to glow.

These are the alleviation for being physically healthy but if a body is mentally unhealthy it could have greater impact than physical .
Person suffering with anxiety and depressions are often suffered with dark circles and melanocytes. I have written a post on anxiety and depression too. and its been read many times which shows that it is a measure issue throughout the world.



  1. The people faces the problem and conclusion is also around them but they can't see it ..plzz comment below if u feel any changes to your skin

  2. Plzz do tell me that either gym affects the skin or not??

    1. If you have dermatological conditions such as acne, rosacea, or psoriasis, you may need to take special care to keep your skin protected while exercising. But don't let skin problems prevent you from being active.By increasing blood flow, exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital.well i will try to give proper info through my post

  3. Well said 👌 completely agree with you...

  4. Eat natural...stay natural... agreed

  5. Nice post ... Keep it up👍👍

  6. Nice look after applying this,a natural beauty shines

  7. How this post gonna help me..this is a long process.pata bhi ni chalega ki it's working indeed or just ..

  8. But allopathic is must I think ...

  9. Please tell me how to overcome the cravings


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